Here is the steps in Powershell to create a DAG, configure the DAG networks and assign the DAG to a CAS array. Make sure all mailbox servers are on the same subnet. Also in my example I have 2 network cards per mailbox server one for MAPI traffic and another for Replication. Everything in BLUE is what needs to be changed for your environement
Create DAG (Using a Hub Transport for a Witness server is pretty standard practice)
1.1. From Powershell New-DatabaseAvailabilityGroup –Name "DAG" –WitnessServer “server” –WitnessDirectory c:\DagWitness\Dag –DatabaseAvailabilityGroupIPAdresses x.x.x.x
2. Add Mailbox Servers to DAG
2.1. From Powershell Add-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupServer –Identity Dag –MailboxServer Servername
3. Configure DAG Network Settings
3.1. From PowerShell Set-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupNetwork –Identity Dag\DAGNetwork01 –Name “MAPI” –Subnets X.X.X.X/24 –ReplicationEnabled $false
3.2. From Powershell Set-DatabaseAvailabilityGroupNetwork –Identity Dag\DAGNetwork02 –Name “Replication” –Subnets X.X.X.X/24 –ReplicationEnabled $True
4. Configure MailBox serves with CAS Array
4.1. From Powershell Get-MailboxDatabase –server “Servername” | Set-MailboxDatabase –RpcClientAccessServer "CAS ARRAY NAME"
By doing the above steps you will have a DAG configured and all mailboxes you created will automatically be assigned to the CAS Aray.
By doing the above steps you will have a DAG configured and all mailboxes you created will automatically be assigned to the CAS Aray.
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